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Conway Primary School

Governing Body Information


Work of the Governing Body

The role of a governing body is wide-ranging and varied (see job description).  In order to successfully meet the responsibilities placed upon it the governing body meets once a term however the bulk of its work is undertaken by one of its three committees; Finance & Personnel, School & Community Development and Learning & Achievement (see below).  By using this structure the governors are able to carry out their work, discuss relevant issues, review, question and challenge the school in order to perform their role. In particular the committees are responsible for reviewing progress against the school’s performance strategy. Each governors is linked to a different area of the curriculum and we work with staff to develop our understanding of the work that goes on within school. Through these links and monitoring visits we are able to get a good understanding of the activities taking place at the school. In turn this enables us to bring our knowledge back to our work on the governing body. Although governors are volunteers we view our role as a professional undertaking.  We use the diverse skills and experience we have among the governing body alongside regular training and development to keep us up-to-date.


Finance & Personnel Committee

This committee is responsible for all strategic finance and personnel related issues. In particular it has delegated responsibility for approving the school’s annual budget. The committee then monitors the budget on a termly basis with the assistance of the school’s financial advisor. This committee is also accountable for Human Resources within the school covering areas such as staff appraisal including the Headteacher, staff welfare and training & development.


Learning and Achievement Committee

The Learning and Achievement Committee has responsibility for all matters relating to the curriculum and learning more generally across the school including Inclusion. Its key responsibility is to take the lead in monitoring the school’s data on a termly basis to ensure that performance is on track to meet expectations and targets. The committee’s workload includes the review and approval of all curriculum-based policies and to support this committee receives a presentation from a curriculum subject leader at each meeting.


School and Community Development Committee

This committee is responsible for all the other aspects of the school including buildings and the environment, pupil welfare, enhancing parental and community links and administration. In particular it ensures that the premises are safe, secure and support learning. The committee is responsible for capital works and has an oversight responsibility for all contracts to hire the premises. It also takes responsibility for the healthy schools initiative and the extended schools provision.


Pay Committee 

The Pay Committee meets in the autumn term, against a 31 October deadline, to consider the pay determination of all staff including the Headteacher.  This is done in line with the National School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document.  The committee considers evidence of the staff's performance against their objectives along with a recommendation from the Headteacher on any performance related pay increases.  The Appointed Governors for the Headteacher's Appraisal also makes a representation to the committee with regard to Headteachers performance and any recommendation on a salary increase.  The committee also considers applications from staff who wish to be considered for the Upper Scale Pay and any movement within this thereafter.