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Conway Primary School

Year 1

Click here to view our Year 1 Curriculum Map


Autumn Term 2022

A warm welcome to Year 1!

We hope you had an amazing summer holiday and that you are ready for the new year ahead.

The Year 1 class teachers are Miss Peace (1P) and Miss Yamamoto (1Y).

This half-term we are learning about:



For writing, we will focus on the text the Naught Bus. The children will recall the key features of the story, use adjectives to describe a scene and write their own version of the Naughty Bus.

The Summary:

A young boy receives a toy bus as a present and has great fun exploring the world with his new toy which turns out to be quite a naughty bus.


In maths, we will be learning about place value with number up to 50 using concrete, pictorial and abstract concepts. Addition and subtraction up to 20 will be covered and linked to place value to allow the children to gain a better understanding of how place value helps with addition and subtraction. Also, 2D and 3D shapes and measuring length will be studied.

During this term, we will be looking at number bonds to 10 and 20 both in addition and subtraction which we would like your support with.



The topics we will be covering in the Foundation Subjects in Year 1 this half term is:

Science – Animals Including Humans: Ourselves

History – Changes in Living Memory – Toys

Geography – Weather

RE – Who am I? Belonging

Art – Portraits

Music – Ourselves and Number

PE –

Computing – Word Processing Skills


Homework will be sent home on Thursday and is due in on Tuesday. Children will be expected to complete Maths and English homework as well as spellings and handwriting. In addition, we encourage children to learn their number bonds to 20 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Reading at Home

Children will be sent home with reading books appropriate for their level in reading. These will be changed regularly. The extra practice is vital to help the children improve their fluency and gain a passion for reading. We ask that you write in the reading record every time you read with your child to help us identify their progress in that reading level.


Year 1 will have PE on a Friday. Please ensure your child come to school in their PE kit which should consist of: Black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain purple t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls. All jewellery that is worn, needs to be removed or taped down to ensure your child’s safety during PE.

Please note:

Children are not allowed to bring in birthday bags or cakes.

Wear jewellery except stud earring and religious jewellery.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you.

Miss Peace and Miss Yamamoto