Year 4
Click here to view our Year 4 Curriculum Map
Autumn Term 2022
A warm welcome to Year 4!
We trust everyone had a lovely summer holiday and that you’re ready for the new and exciting challenges that lay ahead this year.
The Year 4 class teachers are Miss Stewart (4S) and Miss Anderson (4VS).
This half-term in class we are learning about:
For our writing unit we will be looking at the text ‘The Iron Man’. The children will be using this to write a character description, short news report, letter of advice and a mystery narrative.
Have a read of the Book summary
Mankind must put a stop to the dreadful destruction caused by the Iron Man. A trap is set for him, but he cannot be kept down. Then, when a terrible monster from outer space threatens to lay waste to the planet, it is the Iron Man who finds a way to save the world.
Our reading unit is ‘Two Weeks with the Queen.’
The children will be using this text to predict, infer, retrieve and discuss information and vocabulary to answer questions that they are set.
Have a read of the Book summary
Colin Mudford is on a quest. His brother Luke has cancer and the doctors in Australia don't seem to be able to cure him. Sent to London to stay with relatives, Colin is desperate to do something to help Luke. He wants to find the best the doctor in the world. Where better to start than by going to the top? Colin is determined to ask the Queen for her advice.
In Morris Gleitzman's trademark style, this very moving story illuminates deeply serious issues about illness and loss with bright moments of humour.
You will be able to find the texts for our reading and writing units in J2e in the folder ‘Year 4 Reading and Writing texts.’ To help your child understand and progress in their reading and writing lessons it would be helpful for them to pre-read the chapters before the lesson.
In Maths we will be revisiting place value to ensure all children have an understanding of this and then involve decimals to develop further understanding. Written addition and subtraction methods will be developed and linked to problems and understanding inverse, 2D shape and time will also be studied and linked to problem solving questions. There will be a big focus on children learning their times tables which we would like your support with as well.
The topics we will be covering in the Foundation subjects in year 4 this half term are:
Art – Edible Garden
History - Anglo-Saxons - Invaders and Settlers.
Science - Electricity.
Geography - Somewhere to Settle.
RE - Peace.
Music – Poetry-performance
Computing-J2Code: Questions and Quizzes
MFL - Mandarin
Homework will be sent home on Thursday and is due in on Tuesday. Children will be expected to complete Maths, English and Reading homework, as well as spellings, handwriting and times table practice. In addition, we encourage children to research our termly topic and science topic independently using the internet and library resources.
Reading at home
Children will have home reading books that we expect them to read on a daily basis. These books will be changed regularly. The extra practice at home is vital in improving their reading skills.
Children will also have a purple reading record for you to write any comments in when you read with them. These need to be kept in their school bags and brought in to school every day, they will be checked in school on a regular basis.
Year 4 P.E. will be on a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit which should consist of:
Black shorts or jogging bottoms, purple t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.
Please note that children are not allowed to:
bring in their own pencil cases or stationary.
birthday bags or cakes.
wear jewellery except for stud earrings or religious jewellery.
Thank you and we look forward to meeting you.
Miss Stewart and Miss Anderson