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Conway Primary School

Year 6

Click here to view our Year 6 Curriculum Map

  Autumn Term 2022

A warm welcome to Year 6!
We trust everyone had a lovely summer holiday and that you’re ready for the new and exciting challenges that lay ahead this year.

The Year 6 teachers this year are Miss Gorham (6G) and Miss Duong (6JD).

This half term in class we are learning about:

For our writing unit we will be looking at the text ‘The Unforgotten Coat’. The children will be using this to write a non-chronological report, diary entry and an explanation text.

Have a read of the Writing book summary:

The Unforgotten Coat by Frank Cottrell Boyce, explore the issue of refugees and the reasons why people have to flee countries and seek asylum, linking with our termly theme of migration and movement. Two refugee brothers from Mongolia are determined to fit in with their Liverpool schoolmates, but bring so much of Mongolia to Bootle that their new friend and guide, Julie, is hard-pressed to know truth from fantasy as she recollects a wonderful friendship that was abruptly ended when Chingis and his family were forced to return to Mongolia.


Our reading unit is ‘Fly Me Home’ by Polly Ho Yen. The children will be using this text to predict, infer, retrieve and discuss information and vocabulary to answer questions that they are set.

Have a read of the Reading book summary:

Leelu moved away from home to London with her mum and brother. She longs to be reunited with her father, who unbeknownst to her is residing in a Nigerian prison. The story unfolds with many twists and turns: Leelu meets new friends along the way, some more mysterious than others and her brother gets himself into more trouble than he bargained for. Eventually, Tiber disappears and Leelu is the one to save him. Hospitalised, the truth about where Tiber has been going each night and the fractured family re-bonds. Bo, one of Leelu’s new, mysterious friends, performs an act of magic: Leelu’s dad arrives in London – a free man, reunited with his wife and children. Leelu is ‘home’.


Polly Ho Yen grapples with deeply serious issues about human rights. One of her distinctive styles of writing is to create unusual new voices in children’s fiction which opens a window of opportunity for children to explore their imagination.

In Maths, we will be revisiting place value to ensure all children have an understanding of this and then involve decimals to develop further understanding. Written addition and subtraction methods will be developed and linked to problems and understanding inverse, as well as emphasising the importance of mental maths and deciding which is the most efficient method of the two for the question. 2D/3D shape and time will also be studied and linked to problem solving questions. If children are not secure on their times tables, developing this would greatly support their learning in their upcoming tests and would appreciate support from home with this.


The topics we will be covering in the Foundation subjects in year 6 this half term are:

Art – Parthenon Marbles (to link with our history topic)

History – Ancient Greece

Science - Light

Geography – Trade and Economics

RE - Hinduism
Music – Step dance performances

PE – Athletics/gymnastics/competitive games
Computing-J2Code: Spreadsheets, Coding and Using and Applying these.
MFL - Mandarin


Homework will be sent home on Thursday and is due in on Tuesday. Children will be expected to complete Maths, English and Reading homework, as well as spellings weekly. In addition, we encourage children to research our termly topic and science topic independently using the Internet and library resources and bring in any additional research to be displayed in their lovely learning environments.

Reading at home

Children will have home reading books that we expect them to read on a daily basis. These books will be changed regularly. The extra practice at home is vital in improving their reading skills and boosting their vocabulary within their writing across the subjects.

Children will also have a purple reading record for you to write any comments in when you read with them. These need to be kept in their school bags and brought in to school every day, they will be checked in school on a regular basis and we urge children to have these signed every day.



Year 6 P.E. will be on a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit which should consist of:

Black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain purple t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.


Please note that children are not allowed to:

  • Bring in their own pencil cases or stationary
  • Birthday bags or cakes
  • Jewellery except for stud earrings or religious jewellery. This includes smart watches (if children are seen wearing them, they will be sent to the office for safekeeping until the end of the day).


Thank you and we look forward to meeting you.

Miss Gorham and Miss Duong