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Conway Primary School


Click here to view our Reception Curriculum Map


Autumn Term 2022

Welcome to Reception!

We are delighted you have joined our school community here at Conway and look forward to the new and exciting challenges that will come our way.


The Reception staff this year are Mrs Gallagher-Francis, Ms Campbell and Miss Johal in RGF and Ms Bharij, Miss Sadaf and Mrs Clark in RKB.

This half-term we are learning about:

Our topic this half-term is ‘Family and Friends’.  The children will have the opportunity to look at their own family and identify similarities and differences.  They will also be thinking about ways to make new friends and what qualities make a good friend.


For our writing unit we will be looking at the texts ‘So Much’ and ‘Oi Frog!’.  The children will be encouraged to speak using full sentences to orally retell stories and also write labels and captions.                                                                                              



In maths the children will be developing their number recognition and counting using 1 :1 correspondence.  They will be singing number songs and ordering numbers initially to 10 and then to 20.



As a school we teach RWI phonics.  The children will take part in daily sessions which will support them beginning to read.   Each time the children learn a new sound they will bring home a sound practice sheet.



Homework will be sent out on a Thursday and is due in on a Tuesday.


Reading at home

Reading books will be sent home for the children to share with you.  Please write a short comment to let us know how they found the book and ensure the book is kept in their book bag and sent into school every day.



Reception will have PE on a Friday.  Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on this day.  The kit should consist of:

Black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms

Plain purple t-shirt



Please note that children are not allowed to:

  • Wear jewellery except for stud earrings or for religious reasons.
  • Bring in birthday bags or cakes.


Thank you for your support

The Reception Team