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Conway Primary School

Year 3

Click here to view our Year 3 Curriculum Map

Autumn Term 2022

A warm welcome to Year 3!
We trust everyone had a lovely summer holiday and that you’re ready for the new and exciting challenges that lay ahead this year.

The Year 3 class teachers are Mrs Powell-Green (3PG) and Miss Greenlees (3DG).

This half-term in class we are learning about:

For our writing unit we will be looking at the text ‘Leon and the Place Between’. The children will be using this to write setting description, Persuasive posters, Diary entry, dialogue and their own fantasy narrative.

The Summary

Leon is wanting to prove to his brothers and sister that magic really exists, Leon volunteers to be in Abdul Kazam's magic show and gets transported to a mysterious world.


Our reading unit is ‘The lost spells.’
The children will be using this text to predict, infer, retrieve and discuss information and vocabulary to answer questions that they are set.
Have a read of the Book summary

This beautifully penned and illustrated companion text to The Lost Words by award-winning author and illustrator duo MacFarlane and Morris contains within it the most beautiful poems about British wildlife and trees. Three poems from the collection have been selected to explore through the use of this resource: Jackdaw, Grey Seal and Wood Pecker. A range of poetry devices; the structure and form of the poems as well as comprehension activities have been planned for and there are opportunities for the children to develop skills in performing poetry out-loud.

In Maths we will be further developing our understanding of numbers and place value. This includes: reading and writing numbers to 1,000 both in numerals and in words. We will also be applying our knowledge of place value to round numbers to the nearest ten and to the nearest hundred, add and subtract mentally, as well as for written calculations, including when using the column method to add and subtract. Mastery of these skills should ultimately make us more confident when solving word problems. Our learning in geometry will involve naming, identifying and describing 2D shapes. The depth of this learning will include identifying different types of lines, identifying and describing angles and categorising 2D shapes based on their properties.

The topics we will be covering in the Foundation subjects in year 4 this half term are:

Art – Autumn

History – Changes in Britain - Stone Age to the Iron Age.

Science – Rocks, Soils and Fossils.

Geography – Extreme Earth.

PHSE - Teams

RE – How did the world begin?
Music – Enviroment – Musical focus: Composition

PE – Games
Computing - Programming Turtle Logo and Scratch
MFL - Mandarin


Homework will be sent home on Thursday and is due in on Tuesday. Children will be expected to complete Maths, English and Reading homework, as well as spellings, handwriting and times table practice. In addition, we encourage children to research our termly topic and science topic independently using the internet and library resources.


Reading at home

Children will have home reading books that we expect them to read on a daily basis. These books will be changed regularly. The extra practice at home is vital in improving their reading skills. They will also have purple reading records for you to write any comments in after reading and discussing their books with them. These need to be kept in their school bags and brought in to school every day. They will be checked in school on a regular basis.



Year 3 P.E. will be on a Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E. kit which should consist of:

Black shorts or jogging bottoms, plain purple t-shirt and trainers or plimsolls.


Please note that children are not allowed to:

  • bring in their own pencil cases or stationary.
  • birthday bags or cakes.
  • wear jewellery except for stud earrings or religious jewellery.

Thank you and we look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Powell-Green and Miss Greenlees